$ 18.00
Perhaps the most versatile of all the feed types, sunflower seeds will attract a wide diversity of birds to your feeders.
Striped sunflower seeds have thicker shells and are better for heavy-billed birds such as cardinals. Compared with black-oil sunflower seeds, they are harder to crack open and may be a good choice if you don't wish to feed blackbirds or house sparrows.
Birds that will eat striped sunflower seeds include:
Discarded hulls underneath the feeder may contain leftover seed pieces and attract rodents, so keep them cleaned up. Purchasing seed that's already hulled will help avoid a mess, but hulled seed tends to be more expensive and will spoil more easily than seeds with shells, so you may have to refill the feeder more frequently.
$ 9.99
If observation is the primary pleasure it is enhanced by greater knowledge and understand. This book focuses on 180 of...
$ 44.99
Pp. 640, 62 full page color plates after paintings by William T.Cooper. This is the completely revised and greatly expanded...
$ 25.99
Over 400 photos of representative feathers from 379 species How to identify not only what bird a feather came from...
$ 11.99
Identifying birds of prey is easier than ever! This field guide features Northeast birds of prey only - all of...