$ 44.99
Pp. 640, 62 full page color plates after paintings by William T.Cooper. This is the completely revised and greatly expanded third edition. Australia is home to one-sixth of the world's species of parrots. Every part of the vast Australian continent is inhabited by parrots, from tropical forests of Queensland to the sandy deserts of the interior. Also, the Budgerigar (the budgie), the world's most popular cage bird, hails from Australia. This third edition is the first to introduce biochemical analyses for taxonomic identification; this edition also contains significant information on threatened species and on hybrids recorded in wild or in captivity.
12.1 x 8.7 x 1.9 inches
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Designed to enhance the birding experience and to enrich the popular study of North American birds, The Sibley Guide to...
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The Sibley Guide to Birds has quickly become the new standard of excellence in bird identification guides, covering more than...
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This book is the first ever, comprehensive photographic guide to the identification of all 24 species of hummingbirds to be...
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Combining informative and accessible text, up-to-date maps, and--above all--stunning color photographs, this is the best and most lavishly illustrated photographic...